New research published today in the Journal of Applied Ecology describes the effects of small-scale fisheries in Peru on 5 species of marine turtles that forage (and, in rare cases, breed) along the Peruvian coast: green turtles (Chelonia mydas), leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill turtles (Eretomocheyls imbricata), and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Although outright turtle fishing has been banned in Peru since at least 1995 (green and leatherback turtles have been protected since 1976), these species are often caught accidentally, at which point they are sometimes released, but may also be kept for personal consumption or sale.
The researchers (collaborators from the Marine Turtle Research Group at the Cornwall Campus of the University of Exeter, Pro Delphinus, and NOAA--National Marine Fisheries Service) analyzed 7 years' worth of data collected by observers on fishing boats in each of 4 Peruvian fisheries. Over a total of 264 fishing trips, 807 turtles of 4 species (loggerheads, green, olive ridley, and leatherback turtles) were captured. Using these numbers, the researchers estimated that the annual turtle bycatch across all 4 fisheries is approximately 5900 turtles.
One additional problem is which turtles are being caught. Adults accounted for approximately 35% of the green turtle bycatch, 71% of leatherbacks, and 67% of olive ridley turtles; the vast majority of loggerheads were juveniles. Because adults are potential breeders, and are therefore responsible for sustaining, or even increasing, the population, it can be particularly damaging if fishermen are catching a disproportionately large number of this age class, as it appears they are.
There are several potential mitigation techniques available to reduce the impacts of fishing on turtle populations. These include fishery closures, the establishment of marine protection areas, and the use of alternative or additional fishing equipment such as circle hooks, dehookers, net illumination, and nets without flotation devices. However, because fishing is both a livelihood and a direct way of putting food on the table, managers and conservationists will ultimately need to employ techniques that simultaneously save turtles and prevent the locals from going hungry.
To listen to The Journal of Applied Ecology's podcast containing an interview with authors Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto and Brendan Godley, click here. To see the Science Daily write-up of the paper, click here. To see the associated Youtube video, click here.
Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Mangel, J.C., Bernedo, F., Dutton, P.H., Seminoff, J.A., and Godley, B.J. Small-scale fisheries of Peru: a major sink for marine turtles in the Pacific. Journal of Applied Ecology, online advance publication.
All pictures provided by Jeffrey Mangel.